
Friday 21 September 2018

How to make a cheese sandwich

WALT How to make a cheese sandwich
How to make a cheese sandwich

By following these instructions you will be able to make a cheese sandwich.


Chopping Board
Carrot/Pineapple/Relish/Hot Sauce/Lettuce/Tomato/Peppers/Mustard/Capsicum/Ham/Meat

(verb at the start of each instruction)

  • clean your hands and dry them
  • Get the Knife Out
  • Get the Chopping board out
  • Get the Cheese

Friday 8 June 2018

Chromebook Safety

WALT ldentify ways to keep our  Chromebooks safe

This morning for cydersmart we looked at ways to keep our chromebook safe we then ceated a posteo showing some
of the points. here is my poster.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Painting a Picture in the reader's head

WALT use our senses in our writing to paint a picture in the reader's head.

Here is an example of my writing. Can you imagine the scene in your head

I was in a scary dark forest with lots of snake in it. I heard some snake coming towards me. I was so scared. Also there were scary spiders crawling around me as well. So I ran away from it  and The sun came out all of the snakes and the spiders came out they all got somebody else, not me. He was so scared And then the spiders found him and they got on him and then he was dead.

Friday 13 April 2018


WALT show our culture by using art

We have been  making A mosaic.  Mine is of a Samoan turtle.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Rhyming Couplet

WALT Write rhyming couplet poems
I like my rhyming couplet
Look at me… Jasmine is my name
Look at me… Lava monster is my game

Look at me…I ilke  kfc
Look at me… school is for mel

Look at me… I love  my mum
Look at me… I chew on gum

Look at me…I like my dad
Look at me…He never ever makes me sad  

Look at me…. Disney On Ice is cool
Look at me… I learn lots at school


Goal Setting

WALT set goals for ourselves

Here are my goals